
Weather App

A simple JavaScript App to display the weather condition of a city.


VS Code Clone

A clone of VS Code Website created using Tailwind CSS.


Data Analytics Landing Page

A Data Analytics Landing web page created using Html and CSS.


Beats Landing Page

A Beats Landing web page for buying beats headphones created using Html and CSS.


Real Estate Landing Page

A Real Estate Landing web page for checking out different properties created using Html and CSS.


Gaming Landing Page

A Gaming landing web page for downloading different type of games created using Html and CSS.


Hosting Site Landing Page

A Hosting site landing web page for hosting a site created using Html and CSS.


Credit Card Landig Page

A landing page for credit card transactions created using Html and CSS.

About Me

Hey Coders! I'm Imbeshat Aslam, a software developer with 2.6 years of experience in the IT industry. I am deeply passionate about crafting seamless and interactive user experiences with React and constantly stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the React ecosystem.

Apart from coding, you can often find me hitting the gym. I have a great affinity for fitness and believe that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. The discipline, focus, and determination I cultivate in the gym translate seamlessly into my work.